Some 5-6 years before, a comedy movie from bollywood rocked the whole country. It was a very genuine comedy named “Hera Pheri” starring veteran Paresh Raval. In one of the comedy events of this film, Baburao (Paresh Raval), a garage owner continuously receives wrong calls asking for “Deviprasad”. A wrong entry in telephone directory caused “wrong call traumas” for Baburao.
After 5 years, now destiny has made me a victim of similar “wrong call traumas”. Name of this Deviprasad is “Jose”, a Mexican car mechanic. When I took cingular plan for cell phone, a store owner gave me a list of numbers to choose from. I carefully selected a “very good number” just to fall into the miseries of misdeeds of this new Deviprasad. On a very first day after activating my number I received a call from unknown number and I was bewildered: “Who the hell is calling me? I’ve not given my number to anybody yet!!” I received a call and a person on other side is saying: “Jose, is this jose?” I said no and hung up. I thought it would be just a scattered and scant event of getting a wrong number BUT no!!! It was actually a commencement of well planned conspiracy by destiny against me because that person was dialing a correct number but the person on the other side was me instead of “Jose”. “Jose”, a car mechanic, whose fame is spread across the world and who has many friends, relatives and customers, cancelled his number some day and unfortunately that number came to me!!! Presently I receive 2 calls per day, on average, for this “Deviprasad”! People sometimes call and without asking who is on the phone starts scolding me:”You’ve not returned my car yet, its 5 days since I’ve been waiting for it with new tires” Sometimes people keeps on talking in Mexican without listening to me. The worst part for me is that each wrong call cost me 45 cents and if I consider 2 calls per day then I’ve to keep 30$ as a “spending on Deviprasad” per month. “Deviprasad” literally means “Devi ka parasad”, a boon by deity. But in my case this “DeviPrasad” is a curse by destiny!!!
Enough nagging about the problem but then what to do come out of this misery?? What’s the use of a techie brain which gives real time solutions to many businesses in terms of software if it can’t solve a problem of its own life? Then I came up with a strategy which, I thought, will eventually take me out of the sea of wretchedness. I started storing wrong number in my cell phone address book so if by chance same number calls me then I can reject the call and save my 45 cents. Every time I get a wrong call I save that number and it appears in this form in my cell phone book,
“Deviprasad 1”
“Deviprasad 2”
“Deviprasad n”
Deviprasad numbers are now dominating over actual useful numbers in my phone book. I thought this strategy will work but in vain. José’s name and fame is spread across the world and daily I keep on getting phone calls from strangers. Deviprasad numbers are increasing day by day and the day is not far when it would fill up my phone book. Hope there would be a day when destiny will stop playing this game with me and I would be able to save my hard-earned 30$ and become free from “Deviprasad” calls.